Today, Tuesday 8th March is International Women's Day 2022 and this year, we have decided to reflect on what it truly means to be a woman. At Elevate PR, as a team of women, International Women’s Day is a significant day that we are keen to acknowledge. There are still many industries dominated by male teams, and the property industry is no different. According to Property Reporter (2021), only 15% of the property and construction industry workforce are women. This statistic demonstrates that for a woman, succeeding in the property world is no mean feat.
Working in a male dominated industry can be difficult. As a team, we are aware of how fortunate we are to work in a cohesive and positive team of women, but it is clear, there are many aspiring businesswomen who are on a difficult journey to reach their own business goals. The last two years, with the Covid-19 pandemic have accentuated the battle for young women hoping to break the glass ceiling into industries dominated by men. International Women’s Day and the unity it brings, demonstrates how far we have come, as a nation, in our hope of achieving equality. However, although we have made big societal changes in the right direction, we have not yet reached a stage where women are able to live life without discrimination. At Elevate PR, we are always fighting for gender equality both in the workplace and wider society.
So, what does it mean, to be a woman? Describing being a woman in one word is challenging, it can seem oversimplistic to condense womanhood into one word. So, for that reason, we set ourselves that exact challenge of describing womanhood in one word. Here are a select few of our teams’ chosen words:
The process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights (Oxford Dictionary, 2022)
A sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2022).
The ability to continue trying to do something, although it is very difficult (Cambridge Dictionary, 2022).
Being a woman is all of our words combined, and more! To hear the full list of words we used to describe being a woman, please watch our reel here. Our lovely client Camilla Dell, Founder and Managing Partner at Black Brick joined us for the challenge too.
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